Supporting the transition from toddlers to small children.

Ages 3 - 4years – Children in Lavan participate in arts and crafts, singing, language experience stories, dramatic play, science, cooking, and field trips.  Gross motor, fine motor and cognitive thinking skills are all emphasized, as well as social interaction and learning to deal positively with themselves and others.

Skills Developed:

Social – Patience, taking turns, teamwork, kindness to others, sharing, and conflict resolution skills. Acts of kindness earn a "Mitzvah Leaf" on the class tree.

Cognitive / Emotional – Independence, self-help skills, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. Scientific inquiry - asking questions, answering higher-order thinking questions.

Language – Writing letters, sounding out words, counting to higher numbers, basic addition and subtraction.

Physical – Using scissors and writing tools properly, staying active.

Daily Schedule

7am - 6pm M-F

Morning – The day typically begins with morning greeting, followed by free play and then story or topic discussion. Next comes project time, or an enrichment activity, followed by a special of the day (gym, music, etc). A morning snack and potty break, then story time and playground time, followed by lunch.

During community helper week, various members of our community come talk to the children about their jobs (police officers, chefs, nurses, doctors, etc.)

Three field trips per year (usually Briar Bush Nature Center to learn about animals in their natural habitats and the changing seasons, Whole Foods to learn about healthy foods and making our bodies strong, and Fox Chase Farm to learn about taking care of animals and what we can get from farms).

Afternoon – After lunch and potty break is rest/nap time, followed by free play, story time, then a daily enrichment activity, such as:

  • Language & Culture - exploring words, phrases, cultures, and traditions around the world

  • Drama & Art - drawing, painting, sculpture, and theater

  • Food & Cooking - learning about ingredients and basic cooking methods, exploring new foods

  • Science & Math - understanding concepts like light, sun, and weather

  • Shabbat (Fridays) - learning Torah stories and re-enacting Bible stories

Camp Kitov

Summer Camp -  June thru August

Summer fun for everyone – Camp Kitov offers a variety of age appropriate developmental activities for kids 5 and under. Includes special events and guests, sports, water activities, art, and much more!