A topsy-turvy wonderland for toddlers

Ages 1 - 2 years – Any day in the life of our Young Toddler Rooms is a day of topsy-turvy emotions and experiences. It is a day filled with joy, admiration, responsibility, curious confusion, tenderness, silliness and love. Socialization and sensory experiences top the list of what the children learn and enjoy throughout the day. 

Skills Developed:

Social –  Building relationships, empathy, independence.

Language – Encouraging a growing vocabulary by talking, listening, singing, and storytelling.

Large Motor Development – Walking, climbing, running, and jumping!

Small Motor Development – Using utensils, fingerpainting, stacking, matching, and putting things into containers.

Daily Schedule

7am - 6pm M-F

Morning –  Daily activities include singing, arts and crafts, sensory play, indoor and outdoor play, movement and story time. Children will transition to one nap around 12:00.

Afternoon – After lunch and naptime, the children participate in story reading and dramatic play while waiting for parents to come!

Camp Kitov

Summer Camp -  June thru August

Summer fun for everyone – Camp Kitov offers a variety of age appropriate developmental activities for kids 5 and under. Includes special events and guests, sports, water activities, art, and much more!